The Power Of Voice?
An interactive session for workplaces, teams, groups and individuals to find and discover their thoughts and ideas and communicate them effectively. Maritza flips the fear around public speaking and reframes it into the power of sharing our unique voice.
Powerful communication
Interview techniques
Speaking authentically
Crafting your message
Pitch and tone
Engaging your audience
Mesmerising key messages
Presentation tips and tricks
The Power of speaking opportunities!
Segment on Cuppa TV with Luke Cook
Public Speaking vs Sharing Your Voice
Maritza was not always confident or able to speak easily in front of an audience. In fact, her closest family have described her as a painfully shy teenager, which also followed into her early 20's. That was until she took that step to lean into her fears and work on the limiting beliefs that had held her back for too long as a speaker.
As she found that authority behind her voice, she knew how freeing it felt, and she now helps others to do the same through her work, including her Power of Voice sessions, talks and keynotes and the Guide Your Light Network Courses.
self belief.
"Maritza's session today on the power of voice was 'off the charts'. Such an excellent style of delivery and making it relatable to our team".
"Brilliant content and remedies for speaking from the heart to our audience, rather than feeding our fears"
"So much resonated with me. I nearly didn't attend, but FAR OUT thank goodness I did. Breaking the fears around public speaking, breaking through boundaries to find clarity in presenting our passion"!
"THANK YOU. That was honestly so incredible!!!!!! As one of the leaders I am often facilitating things so to be able to sit back and learn and lap it up was amazing!! Already have so many ideas."
"There was so much gold in that session for all of us!"
"I have been in about 20 sessions with a person in my team, with different facilitators, and they never talk and usually don't even turn their camera on. Today in Maritza's session they opened up about their fears and their past. It was amazing to witness!"